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Intercultural Project Management

Reduce the cross-cultural conflicts in your international project team!

No project exists without cultural difference. In this course, you will learn how culture influences the progress of a project and how a culture-sensitive approach benefits the overall success.

When the members of a project team come from different cultures, the clash of expectations and attitudes is inevitable. The intercultural project leader has to reconcile different approaches to teamwork, organization, communication, time management, quality, risk, documentation style, and many other things. These differences may be immediately obvious and easy to address, but others may be hidden and can lead to misunderstandings that arise at vital moments.

Another critical factor is the geographical distance that may exist between the team members and the lack of personal interaction. All this leads to misunderstandings, irritations and a loss of efficiency. The project's success is at risk, which usually comes along with large additional costs.

BAMIK’s course Intercultural Project Management enables both project managers and members of international project teams to develop their awareness of the influence of cultural differences on attitudes toward communication and work styles. From this awareness, you can build strategies to overcome misunderstandings and minimize the risks associated with international project teams. This will enable you to create project teams that operate efficiently, on time and on budget.

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